《使命召唤 现代战争3》虚拟形象收入将捐公益
【uc880游戏站专稿,未经授权请勿转载】Activision日前宣布,《使命召唤 现代战争3》(Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3)的XBLA虚拟形象12月2日到12月16日之间的销售收入将捐献给旗下的慈善组织“使命召唤基金会”。这个基金会是一个非营利性的公益组织,主要作用是帮助武装部队退伍军人回归平民生活。
《使命召唤 现代战争3》目前的XBLA虚拟形象已有超过30种,为此,Activision还专门新增了“美国特种部队”和“特种行动主宰者”两种新虚拟形象鼓励大家购买。
Buy A Modern Warfare 3 Avatar On XBL, Help Returning Soldiers Via The Call of Duty Endowment
Call of Duty fans are getting another opportunity to aid real-world warriors like the ones they play in the game everyday. Activision has announced that proceeds from the sale of all Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 avatars on Xbox LIVE between December 2 and December 16 will be donated to the Call of Duty Endowment, a non-profit, public benefit corporation that helps Armed Forces veterans transition back to civilian life, find work and establish careers. We are all for this one guys, anything we can do to help the men and women who go out and risk their lives for our country. It’s for a great cause and only cost a couple of bucks, help out if you can. It’s a win-win, you get another cool avatar and help the men and women of our armed forces at the same time.
More than 30 items for Modern Warfare 3 are already available in the Avatar Marketplace. In honor of the franchise’s continuing partnership with the Endowment, two additional avatars-American Special Forces and Special Ops Juggernaut-are now available on the Marketplace.